Earth Data Visualization | GEOL 230
Course Instructor: Dr. Josh LeMonte
Fall Semesters
This course introduces students in geology and the earth sciences to a carefully selected suite of computer programs commonly used by professionals in the geosciences. Programs covered in this course include MS Excel, ArcGIS, Adobe Illustrator, and Python. Case studies are used to drive project creation using these programs. By the end of the course, students are able to create GIS map layers, geologic and geochemical maps, stratigraphic columns, publication-quality visuals, clean data, among other products.
Fall Semesters
This course introduces students in geology and the earth sciences to a carefully selected suite of computer programs commonly used by professionals in the geosciences. Programs covered in this course include MS Excel, ArcGIS, Adobe Illustrator, and Python. Case studies are used to drive project creation using these programs. By the end of the course, students are able to create GIS map layers, geologic and geochemical maps, stratigraphic columns, publication-quality visuals, clean data, among other products.
Geological Field Methods
Course Instructor: Dr. Josh LeMonte
Spring Terms
This geological field methods course
introduces students to methods used to collect and interpret field data in a variety of geologic and environmental investigations. Extensive hiking requires students to be physically fit.
Spring Terms
This geological field methods course
introduces students to methods used to collect and interpret field data in a variety of geologic and environmental investigations. Extensive hiking requires students to be physically fit.
Course Instructor: Dr. Josh LeMonte
Winter Semesters
This environmental geochemistry course introduces students to principles of environmental geochemistry at the molecular, landscape, and global levels and seeks to provide students with an appreciation for the central importance of geochemistry in environmental processes. This course will introduce students to the interactions between anthropogenic activities and the natural environment. Students will learn how to mathematically and coherently explain these interactions and effectively organize, evaluate, and communicate the key principles in order to address environmental concerns.
Winter Semesters
This environmental geochemistry course introduces students to principles of environmental geochemistry at the molecular, landscape, and global levels and seeks to provide students with an appreciation for the central importance of geochemistry in environmental processes. This course will introduce students to the interactions between anthropogenic activities and the natural environment. Students will learn how to mathematically and coherently explain these interactions and effectively organize, evaluate, and communicate the key principles in order to address environmental concerns.
Environmental Soil Chemistry
Course Instructor: Dr. Josh LeMonte
Fall Semesters
This environmental soil chemistry course focuses on the chemistry of soil systems at macroscopic and microscopic scales. These are examined from the perspective of scientists interested in environmental assessment and remediation.
Fall Semesters
This environmental soil chemistry course focuses on the chemistry of soil systems at macroscopic and microscopic scales. These are examined from the perspective of scientists interested in environmental assessment and remediation.